6 Tips To Navigate The Summer When Your Child Has ADHD

ADHD and summer break might at first seem like a recipe for disaster.  However, as a parent of a child with ADHD you want them to enjoy the summer and at the same time you want to keep some level of sanity for yourself. While the summertime is full of fun activities like pool parties, trips to the beach; for a child with ADHD, the lazy days of summer also can bring a good dose of boredom. To best help your child and your sanity during the summer months, here are some tips to make your summer with your ADHD child calmer and more relaxing

Set a daily routine: Children with ADHD flourish on having a set daily routine especially knowing what to except and when to expect it. Set a daily routine for playing outside, reading, meal/bedtimes and set limited time for television and video games. Having structured days can help your child develop self discipline and maintain good behavior.

Give your child say in his day- Your child will have ideas on what summer activities they would like to try or do. Try to incorporate some of their activities into your summer plans,

Arrange for regular interactions with friends – Encourage your child to invite his/her friends over. Assist your child plan fun activities such as going to the pool, going to the movies, sleep overs or riding bikes. Friendships build self-worth especially if your child has difficulty with social skills.

Take advantage of free community resources – Look into free community resources to find enrichment activities and to give your child the chance to meet new friends and to try something new.

Encourage your teen to work- Do you have a teen? If yes, talk to them about the different ways they can earn money such as pet setting, dog walking or even work at a summer camp. This will improve their math skills and it will also promote their independence and self esteem.

Set up a summer reading schedule – Some children with ADHD struggle with reading in school because of distraction. This can cause them to fall behind. Join your local library because many of them have reading clubs for older and younger children. When your child continues to read throughout the summer this will help your child immensely when school starts back up in the fall.

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