Stressed Out? Tips for Managing Stress For Woman with ADHD

Managing stress is important for everyone. When stress is managed, people experience more happiness and good health. However, when you are a woman with ADHD, stress management is even more a priority because stress can cause ADHD symptoms to become worse. For example, being stressed out can make it difficult to screen out competing stimuli, […]

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Five Good ADHD Money Management Tips

  Have you ever taken the time to actually figure out where your money goes each week and what you could have saved and made better use of? So many adults with ADHD live from pay check to pay check, always hating the last few days as you have run out of money, and not […]

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Get A Grip On Mind Clutter and ADHD

As adults with ADHD, our plates are often piled high with millions of urgent tasks.  You cannot focus on the task on the top of your to do list because you have a thousand other things that are nagging at you.  You have difficulty sleeping, even though you are tired because of a disagreement you had that […]

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