How To Keep Holiday Spending in Check For Women with ADHD

The holiday season has arrived. There are so many ads on the radio and television to encourage us to buy their products, and that, in combination with the festive holiday mood, can cause us to spend beyond our budget. This is especially true for women with ADHD. The impulsivity that often accompanies the condition can be a big problem during the holidays. If you […]

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How To Keep Holiday Spending in Check For Women with ADHD

Holiday spending can be a difficult problem for a women with ADHD. However, women with ADHD can steer away from the spending pitfalls through learning, planning and applying the right strategies. The following techniques will help you have fewer financial and personal problems during the holiday season. Plan Ahead –Write out a list of who you […]

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Meal Planning When Mom Has ADHD

Why is meal planning so difficult for a mom’s with ADHD? Think about what is involved- decision making, planning, prioritizing, navigating the aisles of the visually distracting grocery store and it begins to all make sense. If the never ending need to plan and prepare meals falls on your shoulders, this step by step guide […]

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Five Good ADHD Money Management Tips

  Have you ever taken the time to actually figure out where your money goes each week and what you could have saved and made better use of? So many adults with ADHD live from pay check to pay check, always hating the last few days as you have run out of money, and not […]

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