5 Mindfulness Breathing Techniques For Women With ADHD

  As a women with ADHD when a stressful situations hit us, they hit fast and hard. Often, we are left feeling helpless, hopeless, and even breathless. One of the simplest ways to manage stressful and anxiety provoking situations is to breathe. Although it sounds very simple, we often forget to slow down and taking […]

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How to Challenge Your Thoughts As A Women with ADHD

If you are a women with ADHD and think negatively or notice that your thoughts have taken you from here to catastrophe in 2½ seconds, a helpful strategy to use involves challenging your thoughts to see if they are valid. When you ask yourself the following questions like those below, you will be able to […]

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ADHD and Women: When You’re Having a Difficult Day

As a women with ADHD our lives isn’t always rainbows and butterflies,most days we manage, but sometimes it feels like ADHD is responsible for one bad thing after another. However what is important is how you view and experience these bad days. What tends to happen is that when we have a bad experience and rather than letting it go we get […]

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