Demystify Executive Functioning: Part 4 Planning  

Executive functioning and planning falls into a group of skills related to a women with ADHD ability to identify and manage future orientated tasks. It also involves how you identify future responsibilities, events, setting goals, and how to complete those goals and how to analyze the steps needed to complete the task ahead of time. […]

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4 ADHD Hacks I use To Stay Productive

As a women with ADHD getting my tasks done can be very challenging and often face a difficulty remaining productive especially in a distracted driven world such as emails, the internet and TV. To get a grip on and boost your productivity here are some useful strategies you can use. Create Your Schedule The Night […]

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Chunking: Breaking Tasks into Manageable Parts

When the women that I coach tell me how overwhelmed they get by their tasks. I always try to tell them the importance of breaking large tasks down into small steps, so you are better able to accomplish them. Having a huge task such as “clutter my home” on your to-do list would completely derail you, […]

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