Stopping the Cycle of Self-Sabotage

  Self-sabotage is the negative self-talk that prevents women with ADHD from believing you can do certain tasks. Self-sabotage can be either conscious or unconscious and it holds you back from doing what you want to do. These limiting core beliefs fuel the fire to procrastinate. If a woman leaves this unchecked it can lead […]

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Self-Care for Moms of A Child With ADHD

As a mom of a child with ADHD, you may be feeling exhausted; you put all your time and energy, and money caring for your child. However, when you start to ignore your own needs, it can trickle down to your child. Here are a few of my favorite tips on how you can take best […]

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Stressed Out? Tips for Managing Stress For Woman with ADHD

Managing stress is important for everyone. When stress is managed, people experience more happiness and good health. However, when you are a woman with ADHD, stress management is even more a priority because stress can cause ADHD symptoms to become worse. For example, being stressed out can make it difficult to screen out competing stimuli, […]

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Steps to Help College Students With ADHD Create a Time Management System

When the young adult starts college, they may be excited by how much unstructured and unscheduled time they have. But that freedom can be difficult for students with ADHD who have trouble with time management and with sensing the passage of time. The last minute homework assignment or studying for an exam can easily derail their efforts to stay […]

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