Ways To Control Your Anger and Improve Your Life


Do daily frustrations and annoyances push your ADHD over board? Are you guilty of angry outbursts? Women with ADHD tend to have issues with anger for different reasons.  Women with ADHD tend to express their emotions more strongly and the constant feeling of overwhelm just puts fuel to the fire and could definitely shorten their fuse.  In addition, women with ADHD may feel like they need to defend themselves or justify their behavior and may react more angrily than they would otherwise.   Here are four things women with ADHD can do to keep their anger under control.

Stop Pretending You are OK – If you are constantly stressed and it only takes the smallest thing to push you into a tailspin of anger.  Then you may have anger issues that need to be resolved.  It is not healthy to feel or act this way and for everyone else that you will encounter. Look at yourself in the mirror and admit to yourself that you are not ok and a change is needed.

Find a Peaceful Role Model – This may been like a strange thing to do, but trust me it works.  If you are an angry person, I know that you have people in your life that you admire for their calm and peaceful demeanor, and then learn from them. Watch how they handle stress and pressure. Now I am not saying be a copy cat, rather just like anything in life learn from the masters.

Forgive the Person Who Made You Angry – This may be one of the hardest things to do in life. Forgiving someone is a monumental task; however once you forgive you take back the power from the wrong doer, you will feel like you have lifted that monkey off of your back.

Laugh A lot – This is always my favorite and so easy to accomplish. The first step is to be able to laugh at yourself. Stop taking yourself so seriously.  Once you do that, the sky is the limit. People who can laugh at themselves live 20 years longer than those who don’t.  Ok I just made that up, but you get my point.

The key to all this is to accept your past and change your old habits of the way you approach life.

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