5 Questions to Ask When You’re Feeling Stuck

As a women with ADHD there are times when you there is so much more out of life and you bring yourself to take the necessary steps but you get stuck or stagnant. Time passes and before you know it you have been in this funk for a few weeks, months and even year and the long you are feeling it the harder it seems to break free. Usually when a women with ADHD are feeling stuck, there is something we are considering changing about our life and actually making a big decision or change can be scary.g There are so many unknown factors involved in the process. And not knowing what might come out of our choice is often what keeps us from making one at all. So how can a women with ADHD move forward in life when you are not sure how to go about it or what to except? As an ADHD coach,this is a situation I see come up often with my clients. And it can be a tough one to navigate through. But over the years, I’ve learned that the first step to getting unstuck is usually getting curious. Taking a step back and asking the right questions is a great way to gain some clarity. And with clarity comes inspired action! So in this post, I’m sharing 5 helpful questions to ask yourself when you’re feeling stuck. These are questions I use all the time while coaching. And the best thing about them is that they apply to just about every situation!

So are you ready to get unstuck? Let’s get started!

Here are 5 questions to journal about whenever you’re feeling stuck in a rut:

How are you stuck right now? Write in your journal on the ways that you are currently feeling stuck or blocked in your life. Also think about how long you have been feeling this way. Was there anything that could have triggered it? Spend some time describing what it’s like to be stuck. What does your life look like these days? And how do you feel showing up to it?

Why are you stuck? What I mean by this is what is keeping you stuck right now.. you can list the various obstacles that are holding you back. Consider all the factors in your situation including time, energy, finances, and the people surrounding you. Also include any limiting beliefs, patterns, or behaviors that you find yourself repeating. Once you’ve written every reason down, highlight the three biggest ones.

What would you life look like if you got unstuck? What would change if you weren’t stuck anymore? Think about how you’d like things to be. What would be different about your beliefs, daily routines, decisions, and overall quality of life? How about your personal development, relationships, and career?

What are you doing really well right now? When you’re feeling really stuck, the sense of defeat can take over and keep you from seeing the full picture. But thinking about some of the positive aspects in your situation can help you break out of feeling defeated.

So what are 3 things that are working in your favor right now? Think about opportunities you’re taking advantage of, communities you’re plugged into, and good habits that you’re keeping up with.

Based on what you wrote in your journal, what’s one small step forward you can take today? And what’s another that you can later this week? Now that you’ve considered how and why you’re stuck, how life might be different if you got unstuck, and some of the things that you’re doing really well right now – you’ve collected enough information to come up with a plan.

Every time you complete one step, come up with 3 more for yourself. The key is to keep each one simple so that you don’t get overwhelmed.

And that brings us to the end of the list!

You can revisit these questions anytime you find yourself feeling stuck. Oftentimes, getting stuck is a signal that something deeper is going on. Exploring what that is and taking inventory of the factors involved will help you diagnose the issue. And that alone is a great first step! And once you have enough information, you can use it to propel yourself forward.

So are you ready to get unstuck? All you need is a pen and paper to begin!