ADHD and Daylight Saving Time: 3 Tips for Navigating the Time Change

This Sunday, we will move our clocks back one hour for daylight savings time, however being a women with ADHD the time change is more than just shifting an hour forward; it can interfere with your ADHD symptoms such as sleep, your routine, as timing for various tasks may need to be changed. And it can further impair your circadian rhythms, which are the physical and behavioral cues each of us have that help regulate our sleeping and waking, our sense of hunger, and our mental alertness throughout the day. So what can you do to be ready?

Re-Work Your Routine -Daylight savings time has a way to throw everyone’s schedule off especially for women with ADHD and this can be especially frustrating. On ordinary days, many women with ADHD have difficulty with time management and keeping track of tasks they need to get done, However for a women with ADHD when day light savings tine rolls around, the loss of an hour can throw an additional monkey wrench into your routine For a women who experience a temporary decline in their ADHD symptoms because of the time change, keeping a diary handy or downloading an organizing app on your phone may be helpful to keep track of tasks, leave sticky notes on your fridge or desk, and set work-related reminders for yourself through your email calendar or phone or both.

Spend Some Time Outside– Lace up your sneakers! Time in nature prior to DST can help everyone adjust before the clocks shift forward — and women with ADHD are no exception. This helps your body sync its circadian rhythms with the shifting sunlight and also boosts the body’s natural melatonin production to help with evening sleep.

Relax Before You Go To Bed– Being stressed and over-stimulation can make it difficult for women with ADHD to fall asleep. Instead of watching that intense television show try relaxing with a warm bath or curl up with a good book. In addition, worry produces a stress hormone called cortisol which makes you more alert…. If anxiety keeps you awake at night write in a journal or write out your schedule for the next day and include possible solutions to the challenges you may face.