ADHD and Money Management

Money management includes budgeting, planning and organization and for an adult with ADD/ADHD this can be a challenge. Some of the other systems of managing money do not work for adults with ADD/ADHD because it requires time, lots and paperwork and attention to detail.  

While you cannot learn about ADHD and money management all at one time, you can still get your money management in order by applying these three money management strategies

Avoid Impulsive Spending. When you go shopping only bring cash, always write a list, and use a calculator to keep grand total of what you are spending.

Identify Money Management Problems: When planning your budget, identify your money management problem areas such as bouncing checks, losing bills, impulsive spending, and large credit card debt

Thirty Day Rule  When you are thinking about buying something you do not need, wait for 30 days and then ask yourself if you still want to buy that item.  It is often that you will find that urge to buy has passed and you have saved yourself money simply by just waiting.







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