Better Sleep For Women with ADHD

Women with ADHD rarely fall asleep easily, sleep soundly through the night, and then wake up feeling refreshed. More often, a women with ADHD mental and physical restlessness can disturb sleep patterns and it can ensure the exhaustion of a women’s overall health and treatment. At this time we are only starting to begin to understand the link between women with ADHD and sleep that creates difficulties. Thankfully, there are ways a women with ADHD can do to try and maintain healthy sleeping habits.

Why ADHD Brains Have Trouble Sleeping

Over the years, a number of studies have identified connections between ADHD and trouble sleeping. While anyone can have difficulties with sleeping, it can be more of a problem for those with ADHD due to things like:

– Stimulant medications used by many with ADHD can also interfere with normal sleep patternsCo-morbid conditions such as depression, anxiety and other mood disorders can make falling and staying asleep harder

-Genetics – Many adults with ADHD have a gene (COMT) which suppresses the metabolism of dopamine making it harder for the body to regulate sleep

-Sleep problems related to ADHD occur both in children and adults. Children and women with ADHD behave differently as a result of sleepiness. Women with ADHD usually become sluggish when tired, while children tend to overcompensate and speed up, becoming more hyperactive, impulsive and oppositional.

What Poor Sleep Might Look Like

There are a number of ways that sleep issues might manifest, including:Difficulty falling and staying asleep.

-The inability to nap even when you’re exhausted

-Disrupted circadian rhythm – e.g., /feeling more alert and energetic at night

-Trouble waking up even when you’ve had plenty of sleep

-Feeling tired and having difficulty remaining alert during the day

-Sleep talking and/or sleep walking

-Restless Leg Syndrome

-Grinding your teeth while sleeping

-Sleep paralysis

-Sleep apnea

Strategies for Getting Better Sleep

So what can you do if you are a women with ADHD and are having trouble getting a good night’s sleep? Here are some simple strategies to try.

-Avoid napping 4 hours before bedtime.

-Avoid drinking caffeine 4 hours before bedtime.

-If you take stimulant medication, make sure you are taking it as early as possible.

-Have a calming bedtime routine. This might include a warm bath, listening to relaxing music or engaging in some relaxation exercise or deep breathing.

-Go to bed at about the same time every day. if you are trying to adjust the time you usually go to sleep, do it slowly over time in small 15-20 minute increments.

-Sleep in a comfortable bed in a dark and quiet room.

-Avoid looking at screens (TVs, smartphones, computers) and electronic media in the evening.

-Talk to your doctor about supplements that might help promote sleep such as melatonin.