Body Doubling for Women With ADHD: What it is and How It Works


Trouble with focus is a challenge for women with ADHD especially when the task is not interesting. For women with ADHD, “body doubling” seems to help. It lets them be more productive and complete their tasks. “Body doubling” is a strategy that keeps people focused on what they’re doing by having someone else there while they’re doing it. What it looks like varies from person to person and task to task. But it always involves another person being nearby while you work on things that require focus. It’s like having a study buddy or teammate. They don’t do the task for you. Instead, they’re there to give support, work with you, and be a gentle reminder to stay on track just by being present.

Why Does Body Doubling Work? Having someone else nearby while working on another task gives a woman with ADHD a much-needed reminder to stay focused on tough tasks. It also boosts motivation to get things done — whether it’s at home, or even on the job.

How Does Body Doubling Work?  Body doubling depends on the woman, the person doing the body doubling, and the circumstances. It is also important to choose to be a body double is important. And it may be a matter of trial and error, based on your needs, where you are, and what you’re doing. There isn’t just one correct way to use this strategy. Body doubles don’t have to be working with you or on the same task as you. They might not even be working at all. They could just be present, sitting across the room reading, while you finish a project. You might find that talking with your body doubles helps you get through a tedious task or gives you the stimulation you need to stay focused. But it’s key that they don’t distract you from your work.

Some examples of effective body doubling include:

On the job: Asking a team member to sit in a conference room, or on Zoom, while working on a presentation for extra motivation and focus.

At home: Doing chores while on the phone with a friend. Or even watch a video on YouTube while cleaning to stay focused.

Ways That Body Doubling Is Helpful- Body doubling can create a sense of responsibility for a woman with ADHD and make it easier to ignore distractions. In addition, it can lead to better routine and time management. This technique may not be the answer for every woman due to having another person around while they are working maybe to distraction or worrying about becoming to dependent on the presence of someone else