Reasons & Solutions on Why Adults with ADHD Procrastinate


In this week’s blog post I want to look at the six reasons adults with ADHD give on why they procrastinate. Procrastination is one of the worst things to do; it wastes time and energy and can kill many projects even before they get started.  Let us look at some of the reasons adults with ADHD have given on why they procrastinate. I have also given solutions too each, so you can see how you can turn a negative thought into a positive one.

# 1 Time Issues

  • I have no free time to get started on this project
  • There is always something that is more of a priority
  • I will do it tomorrow
  • It will be my new year’s resolution

What is the solution?

  • You will save a whole bunch of time if your things are organized. Becoming organized is an ongoing process and yes it will take time but it will save you so much time in the end, and you can spend more time doing what you want to do.  Try to make organizing one of your top priorities and it will pay off in the future.

# 2 Fear Issues

  • Fear of failure – What if it goes wrong and what will others say
  • What if I get organized and then can’t keep up with it
  • Fear that you will regret getting rid of items

What the solution?

  • What is the worst that could happen? No one is going to laugh or tell you off if you try and you will find out that there are some organizing techniques that will work so well it will feel as if it is natural to you and some you won’t.  Any amount of organizing that you do whether it may be a drawer or cleaning out the closet, how can that is classified as being a failure.  If you worried that you will regret getting rid of something. Try this approach; choose a few item that you rarely use and put it in a box seal it, and then put it in your garage or some where you can’t see it, after six months if you can’t remember what was in it, just throw the box away.

#3 Perfectionist Issues

  • I don’t want to start something unless I can complete it 100%
  • I need one full week off so I can get everything done
  • I won’t start until I have everything that I need to help me get organized.

What is the solution?

  • Getting something done 100% is pretty impossible, so give yourself a break. Things can happen and you just have to go with the flow.  However, having an organized home can help you deal with what life throws at you more easily; otherwise you will just keep on stressing yourself out. Do what you can and you will eventually see results.

#4 Lack of Energy Issues

  • It is boring – why bother
  • I have no energy to start and it is too much of a hassle
  • Isn’t it easy to stay as I am

What is the solution?

  • We all want to do something else other than getting organized but once you are done, you will have more time in your day to relax. There will always be that small voice in your head telling you that you need to get moving and start doing what you need to do.  A good idea is to find an accountability buddy; this person can be a friend/colleague/significant other.  The process is to tell this person what you are doing and either do it together or get  that person to check on you periodically, there is nothing like having someone hold you accountable to get you motivated.

# 5 Overwhelm Issues

  • I don’t know where to start
  • There is too much to do
  • My family just keeps on adding to the confusion – I will never do it

What is the solution?

  • Break it down into chunks. Chunks are easier to manage and you will get a lot done without even realizing it.

# 6 Pass the Buck

  • It will sort itself out
  • Someone will do it

What is the solution?

  • If you live with other people the above two statements may be the case, but if not everyone has the same systems and then will never be actually organized- the visual reminders may be gone but what happens the next time you are looking for something that someone has put away? Time taken and you will be stressed out unless everyone knows where that specific place for that item. Also this does not have to fall into your lap, other people in your home can be called in to help, get the whole family involved and be responsible for part of the organizing.

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