Managing Shame with ADHD

One of the subjects that comes up alot during my coaching sessions with my clients is shame. Shame is an emotion that can play a huge part in the lives of individuals with ADHD. When an individual with ADHD feels shame, they feel a huge sense of embarrassment and humiliation about who they are. And, the […]

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ADHD & Anxiety: Self Help Tips

Anxiety disorders occur more frequently in adults with ADHD than the general population. ADHD and anxiety disorder symptoms can overlap. They both cause restlessness,excessive worry,forgetful, disorganized and  trouble settling down enough to fall asleep. Although the treatment of anxiety often includes medication, there are also some strategies adults with ADHD can use to reduce symptoms […]

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5 Ways to Improve Social Skills for Adults with ADHD

Social situations may be very difficult for Adults with ADHD. They don’t seem to have the type of antenna which picks up the social cues and undertones of social interactions. They often are not aware of how other people are feeling or how they appear to others.  Here are some ways to increase your social […]

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Money Management Tips for Adults With ADHD

The bounced check or the unpaid bill can be usually be checked up as just being forgetful or having a busy scheduled, however if you are an adult with ADHD, managing money can be struggle and it is time tackle your money management problems. Adults with ADHD find the task of organizing their finances boring […]

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