23 Empowering Affirmations for Women with ADHD

The start of a new year is a way I like to think about what matters most , clarify what I want to focus on, and set goals or intentions for the year ahead. But let’s face it as a women with ADHD it’s easy to get pulled off course—to fall back into old patterns of behavior and thinking. To help, I’ve created a list of my favorite positive affirmations for the new year that can help you cultivate a positive mindset and stay committed to your personal growth.

What are affirmations?

Affirmations are short, simple statements that validate and encourage us. They can increase motivation and help us persevere. They also help you focus our time, energy, and thoughts on what’s most important. Your thoughts influence our feelings and actions, so when you find yourself struggling or getting off track, reading or saying affirmations can help you refocus on your goals and create feelings of optimism or a positive mindset. Repeating affirmations is especially helpful if you tend to rely on others to affirm your feelings, choices, needs, or self-worth as they can help you develop the ability to affirm yourself and decrease your reliance on others to affirm your self-worth.

Are affirmations useful?

Many of my coaching clients like affirmations because it is a simple way to focus on their emotional strength and resiliency. However, if affirmations are going to work, they need to be realistic and authentic. Some affirmations can feel overly optimistic or unbelievable. For example, telling yourself “I am full of peace and joy” when you are feeling overwhelmed you probably won’t feel it is true or helpful. Instead of repeating affirmations that do not sit true to who you are, I recommend  focusing on what you want to think, feel, and do in response to your overwhelm—or your ability to cope. You might say, “I will lean on others for support” or “I can tolerate uncertainty”. You can also add the phrase “I will practice” to affirmations often helps them feel more realistic. Another example, if leaning on others for support is hard for you, you might feel more comfortable saying “I will practice leaning on others for support”. 

Download My Free 23 Positive Affirmations for 2023 for Women with ADHD 23positiveaffirmationfor2023