Simple and Effective Tips on Self Care for Women with ADHD


While medication and talk therapy can help you manage the symptoms of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), understanding proper self care for women with ADHD play a pivotal role as well. Regular doses of skillful self-care can boost your mood and make it easier to meet your responsibilities and build healthy relationships. Paying attention to your physical, mental, and spiritual needs is vital. The more you’re keen on and nurture yourself, the greater your capacity to affect troubling symptoms and pursue your goals. Make your wellbeing a top priority. Use these self-care strategies for getting organized and staying healthy.

Mental Self-Care Ideas and Activities

I feel that mental self-care is one of the most important of all. At times, your mind may need rest and recuperation, while at other times you may be looking for stimulation and challenges. Without both timely rest and exercise, we run the risk of our minds slowly turning to mush. These self-care ideas help to

Avoid toxic people.

Learn not to feel selfish when you say “no.”

Take “should” out of your vocabulary. Stop feeling you “should” be doing things.

Take a nap without an alarm clock

Give your mind a break so you are clear-headed.

Buy a coloring book and crayons. Adult coloring is actually good therapy.

Listen to a podcast about a topic that interests you, but you have yet to explore.

Emotional Self-Care Ideas and Activities

Self-care is about a lot more than just mindset. While self-care can be a big help for your mental health days, it is often an even bigger response to your in-the-moment emotional needs. Giving your emotions free reign—or at least acknowledging your emotional state and moving on—is an important part of self-care. Before you can get better, you must acknowledge what is and was, and make those changes. Our emotions often dictate the way we behave, so we need to be mindful of what we’re feeling, especially in stressful situations. It’s not helpful to label emotions as “good” or “bad.” It’s better to give each emotion a descriptive term showing exactly what it is (e.g., anger, fear of rejection, sadness, etc.). When we assign negative emotions specific labels, we rob them of some of their power to terrify us.

Keep a running list of great things people say about you. Read it when you feel down

Remind yourself of the good stuff in life by writing a list of things you’re grateful to have. Then post it somewhere you can see it often to help refocus your emotions when you feel down.

Finish this sentence every day after you wake up: “I love myself because I ___________.

Stop being your harshest critic. Allow yourself to make mistakes. No one is perfect. Realize this means you too !

Dedicate a week to saying only positive things on your favorite social media platform

Recite some self-love affirmations.

Pleasurable and Pampering Self-Care Ideas and Activities

Now we get to the fun stuff—things you can (and need) to do just for you. This pampering and self-care is important for the times when we are overworked, deprived, and stressed. Life is a balancing act. It is often bad to live a self-indulgent life where we constantly get to do whatever we want. This often leads to addictions, issues with limits, and a lack of happiness because people do not feel they have earned their right to this self-indulgence. But when you are doing these activities as part of a self-care routine, they can be essential. We all need the joy of just sitting back and enjoying life and the things we love from time to time. Relaxing activities also help lower blood pressure, reduce muscle tension and pain, and improve concentration and mood. Let’s get to it, and check out some favorite indulgent and enjoyable methods of mental and physical self-care

Allow yourself to fantasize and daydream.

Give yourself a long bubble bath.

Call an old friend ,and discuss old times.

Sit in a coffee shop or on a park bench and people watch.

Sleep in a couple of extra hours over the weekend.

Watch a couple episodes of your favorite sitcom.

Watch funny Youtube videos.

Allow yourself a “Netflix day”

Conclusion…and A Beginning

If you’re tired of brain overload, feeling frantic and freaked out, stop and remind yourself what you need. Provide yourself with a good dose of self-care each day. You are your top priority. You can’t be there for others if you are not there for yourself.

To read more of my self care tips for women with ADHD you can buy my Little Book Of Self-Care For Women With ADHD E-Book for only $15.00