Women with ADHD: How To Create An Easy Evening Routine

An evening routine can help a women with ADHD prepare for tomorrow and wind down ready for the night, no matter what the day has thrown at you! Here are some ideas on how to create a simple evening routine to support you and simplify your life.

The Benefits Of An Evening Routine – Do you ever have one of those days when you’re on the go and haven’t had time to catch your breath? Even when a women with ADHD tries to manage your time and make life as easy as possible, there are still crazy, chaotic days. Getting to the end of a day like that can be a relief!

How To Establish An Evening Routine Your evening routine doesn’t have to be complicated. It just needs to support you well. In this instance, that could mean:

Saving you time in the morning by doing some of tomorrow morning’s jobs today

Re-setting and putting your home to bed like you do yourself!

Helping calm your body and mind

Preparing you for sleep to recharge your batteries

Here are some tips to help you establish your own consistent and simple evening routine:

Create a plan- Make the most of your evening time by having a plan. The plan can be flexible and can be different for the weekdays and the weekends. Be clear on what you’d like to get done in the evening and perhaps plan it during the day. Don’t waste your precious evening moments wondering what to do! Make a note in your notebook or on the Notes in your phone. Some elements of your evening routine could be practical, such as a quick clean of the bathroom surfaces. Other parts of your evening routine like reading or taking a bath might be more relaxing and enjoyable. Whatever you choose to do in your evenings, be clear what you’re doing, why and what benefit it will bring and how long it’s going to take. Really look forward to closing the day with ease and peace.  EVENINGROUTINEPLANNERWORKSHEET

Become More Flexible– A routine that works for you now might not work as well in 6 months or a year. Be flexible to your changing needs and adapt your evening routine to suit your lifestyle. You may have more or less time, more or less things to do and your priorities might change. Like other habits and routines, keep them flexible and tweak them so they work best for you right now.

Daily Habits- When we’re creating new routines, sometimes it’s helpful to build on little daily habits that we already have in place. When it comes to your own evening routine, it could be that when you undress ready for bed, you also make it a new habit to choose and lay out your clothes for tomorrow. Getting undressed for bed is a familiar habit for most of us, so layering in a new habit to do just after that will be the trigger for carrying out your new habit of laying out your clothes. Until, of course, laying out your clothes becomes a familiar habit in itself!