ADHD rumination: how to break free from racing thoughts

Getting stuck with the same thoughts running through your mind can feel like a never-ending cycle. While it’s normal for humans to ruminate now and then, for a woman with ADHD it tends to be even more prone to rumination than others. If this sounds like you, don’t worry! I am here to share my tips to stop your […]

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Communication Strategies When You Or One Of Your Family Members Have ADHD

Good communication skills are vital in a family when you or one of the family members have ADHD in the hopes to make good decisions together, solve problems effectively, and promote a positive sense of well-being among family members. Use of sarcasm, ridicule, name calling, ignoring, making an annoyed face, looking incredulous, snickering, mocking, overgeneralizing, […]

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6 Ways To Spot the Differences Between ADHD and Bipolar in Women

Due to the similarities between ADHD and Bipolar Disorder in women with ADHD it may oftentimes be difficult to distinguish between the two. Here are six general guidelines to spot the differences between the two disorders: Behavior/Attention vs. Mood Bipolar disorder affects mood, whereas attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects attention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Women with […]

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