Effective Strategies For Getting More Done As A Women with ADHD

  When the women that I coach tell me how overwhelmed they get by their tasks. I always try to tell them the importance of breaking large tasks down into small steps, so you are better able to accomplish them. Having a huge task such as “clutter my home” on your to-do list would completely derail […]

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Estimating Time How Long It Takes To Complete A Task: We Don’t See Time, We Feel It.

  For a woman with ADHD, estimating time is quite complex. This is because people with ADHD don’t perceive time. It is difficult for them to estimate how long tasks will take or to comprehend how much time they just spent doing a task. As a woman with ADHD, you can get better at time estimation, […]

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Practical Tips and Strategies for Managing Perfectionism

It may be difficult to understand that ADHD and perfectionism can go together like peanut butter and jelly. However in an article from Psych Central, ADHD With A Side of Perfectionism discusses how ADHD and perfectionism goes together but the combination of the two can also be debilitating. Petersen states in his article, “What makes […]

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ADHD rumination: how to break free from racing thoughts

Getting stuck with the same thoughts running through your mind can feel like a never-ending cycle. While it’s normal for humans to ruminate now and then, for a woman with ADHD it tends to be even more prone to rumination than others. If this sounds like you, don’t worry! I am here to share my tips to stop your […]

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