Women with ADHD & Breaking Down Your Goals Into Doable Steps

When the women that I coach tell me how overwhelmed they get by their  goals. I always try to tell them the importance of breaking large goals down into small steps so you are better able to accomplish them. Having a huge goal such as “clutter my home” on your to-do list would completely derail you, where […]

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Help Your Child with ADHD Manage Their Morning Routine

Getting kids ready in the morning can be very difficult however getting a child with ADHD ready in the morning can be like a war and no one is winning. Adding the following strategies to your morning routine can make your mornings pleasant and keep your relationships blossoming. Stick with them until they are out of bed:Stay in your […]

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Organization Skills for Kids with ADHD: School, Chores, & Time Management

From setting deadlines to keeping school supplies in order, chores and organization skills are important for a child with ADHD. Here are some organizational strategies you can use to improve these skills at home.   Organize Your Lists In Logical Order: To take some chaos out of projects, homework, and chores, work with your child […]

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