ADHD Women: How to Form Habits That Stick Step 3 Creating Positive New Habits

Creating a positive new habits, like walking with the dog in the morning, wiping down counters before going to bed or laying out clothes for the next day, can be useful, and even good for you. As much as you may want to create that new positive habit,it can seem impossible–especially for a women with […]

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Women with ADHD: Stop Overthinking and Make That Change

If you are a women with ADHD, you are probably very familar with the term overthinking. This is when your thoughts get caught up in a loop and your mind goes over and over with the same thoughts without feeling better or finding a soultion. For instance, you may get stuck on the day to […]

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How To Respond To Your Child with ADHD Negative Self-Talk

When negative self-talk comes from your child’s with ADHD mouth, your automatic reaction is to stop it. To give your child some reassurance or to convince them that their thinking is flawed. Instead of moving in to fix it, try these ideas to address the underlying feeling and their internal struggle. Empathize: Try to empathize with your child’s […]

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The Fine Art of Parenting a Teen With ADHD

Experience and surviving the teen age years can be challenging for both the parents and the teen. Parents can remember their experiences and are so sure that they had it much harder than their teen. I bet you; your goal as parent with a teen with ADHD is to hopefully reduce the impact of the […]

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